NEON intrinsics mixed Native C
Hello I tested my source code used NEON intrinsics. I wanted to compare the performance between using NEON and using Native C. the code doesn't have meaningful and simple. get an image from...
View ArticleHEXUS EPIC Giveaway Day 7: Win a Corsair gaming bundle
And on the seventh day, the HEXUS EPIC Giveaway offered up a gaming pack, composed of a Strafe RGB mechanical keyboard, a Scimitar RGB mouse and a Void 7.1 gaming headset. The bundle comes from...
View Article年终巨献,100块ST mbed开发板免费送(第一批100块开发板开始寄送)
【最新消息2015.12.14】刚刚和ST确认,前100位获奖者名单已经被他们确认,会尽快开始物流。 欢迎收到开发板的用户在我们社区分享经验博客,赢取我们ARM的社区纪念品,实用ARM工具套装一套。
View ArticleGuglielmo Marconi | Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of ARM’s foundation we worked with the curators of the Science Museum in London to pick 25 people or objects from their Information Age gallery that were pivotal to...
View ArticleCortex M0 Memory Allocation for ADC Results in Assembly
I am reaching out to see if someone can provide an assembly language example or preferred method on how to allocate or reserve 12 - 1/2 words in memory (RAM). My application requires the use of the...
View ArticleCortex M0 Memory Allocation to Store ADC Results in Assembly
I am reaching out to see if someone can provide an assembly language example or preferred method on how to allocate or reserve 12 - 1/2 words in memory (RAM). My application requires the use of the...
View Article中文社区2015年12月精华汇总
圣诞节,新年要到了,作为一个英国公司,我们已经很有节日气氛了(就是很多人都请假,办公室空荡荡)。不知道中文社区的各位用户圣诞准备怎么过?斑竹正在考虑给家人买什么圣诞礼物比较好。最好是一个ARM Powered的产品 此外,通知一下,本周日有2小时系统维护,国内的朋友可能不会有太大问题,都是我们半夜里了,请不用担心,如果周日碰到问题,欢迎发邮件给我。 本月社区大事记...
View ArticleIs there printing value of macro using armcc?
Hello all. Is there printing value of macro using armcc? I want to see define value in c file? for example, #define value_a 1 #define value_b 2 #if value_a >
View Articlehelp in understanding arm assembly code
I have a bin file that is done in objective-c for iOS. I can decompile that in IDA. i tried understanding a function call that is done in this application but gets confused time and again.I can...
View ArticleInforce Computing Company Overview
Inforce Computing® is at the bleeding edge of modern embedded computing design and a leading developer of high-performance production-ready ARM® ISA based hardware platforms for real life applications....
View ArticleHow to measure the frequency of square wave using capture technique in LPC2148
I want to design a freq measurement system using lpc2148 micro controller. How to measure the frequency using capture technique.
View ArticleLinux on Chromebook with ARM® Mali™ GPU
Disclaimer The step-by-step guidelines below provided by ARM for your convenience contain information about downloading and installing files, licensed by third parties, which are subject to their own...
View ArticleNE10-Library -> FIR-Filter cycle counts: C-version faster than NEON-version?
Hi, i'm currently trying to measure cycle counts for FIR-filtering with the NE10 library. I'm using a Raspberry Pi 2 with ARM Cortex-A7 running on Raspbian as a target. I activated the Cortex-A7...
View ArticleProblem in copying functions to RAM on ARM Cortex-M
I'm (again) facing a very strange problem in my project for ARM Cortex-M4 (STM32F301K8). The project requires some of the functions to be executed from RAM (it's actually a bootloader with encryption...
View ArticleLipicano Board for ARM Cortex-M development
We have prepared a new prototyping board which allows to quickly test the circuits wiring and to develop and debug programs for microcontrollers with an ARM Cortex-M processor. Lipicano Board has a...
View ArticleCortex R4 versus ARM9E
I have ARM9E very well optimized code. If I run the same piece of code, how much of optimization/performance improvement can be seen on Cortex R4? Does anybody has benchmarking results between ARM9E...
View ArticleGetting Started with ARM Assembly and C Programming !!
Here is the YouTube ARM Programming video tutorial series link, watch it and learn ARM Programming. cheers.. Link - Embedded System Programming Tutorial - YouTube
View ArticleHow to change Elf Header's e_version field on compile time?
Hi experts. For managing binary file's version information.. I just want to Elf Header's e_version field... But I don't know how to change that information on compile time... Could I use that field...
View Article【stm32F0使用经验分享】在mbed在线平台实现LED闪烁
首先感谢ARM中文社区以及ST的支持,今天刚收到板子就迫不及待的跟版主确认收货。 下面和大家分享一下在mbed在线平台实现LED闪烁的步骤,由于肚肚没什么经验,分享的东西也比较简单请诸位小伙伴海涵! mbed链接: 在使用之前需要注册,肚肚就不再赘述。 登陆之后,选择平台并添加打开。 如下图所示:...
View Articlewhich USB sticks use ARM
Hi, I know Sandiak use an embedded ARM (according to Andrew Huang) CPU. I'm looking to design a game which boots onto PC & Mac automatically and obfuscate the contents of the drive. With the...
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