Nexus 10 Mali-T604 issue
Hi! We encountered with a problem on Mali-T604, Nexus 10 (Android 5.0.1, driver release should be r5p0-06rel0). The problem seen on screenshots in attachment. In scene tank hull and turret. Geometry...
View ArticleStandardization: ARM Server Success in 2016
Hey everyone, you really don't want to miss this blog! Click on this link to check out what Red Hat's Jon Masters has to say about the future of ARM-based servers in 2016. Standardization: ARM server...
View ArticleCortex R4 profiling
Note: This was originally posted on 17th August 2012 at Hi, I want to profile a program written in C, I use RVDS 4.1 to simulate the Cortex R4 environment. I've discoverd that...
View ArticleNew approaches to memory power; New RF Digital Simblee module released;
Ed Sperling from SemiEngineering highlights new approaches to improve memory power and performance, quoting ARM Fellow Rob Atiken as saying, “So with magnetic memory, if you use it only as memory, the...
View ArticleUsing Linaro's deliverables on Juno
1. Preface 2. Prerequisites 3. Choosing a filesystem 4. Obtaining and building the software 5. Running the software 6. Prebuilt binaries 1. Preface This document pertains to Linaro Release 15.12....
View ArticleImagination Talks about RFIC, IP, Embedded IoT and Fabric-based SoCs
Tony King-Smith of Imagination Technologies discusses the need for rf IC designers, ip platforms, iot as the new embedded and fabric-based _soc At this year’s Imagination Summit 2015 in Silicon...
View ArticleHEXUS Epic Giveaway Week 2: Android TV box, HTC Smartphone, My Cloud and more
In the first week of the HEXUS EPIC Giveaway, it was devices such as a gaming router, Amazon Fire HD tablet and a network-attached storage device. Week two continues the good cheer with devices for the...
View ArticleHEXUS Epic Giveaway Day 7: Win a Corsair gaming bundle
And on the seventh day, the HEXUS Epic Giveaway offered up a gaming pack, composed of a Strafe RGB mechanical keyboard, a Scimitar RGB mouse and a Void 7.1 gaming headset. The bundle comes from...
View ArticleHEXUS Epic Giveaway Day 6: Win an ASRock G10 gaming router
Hardcore gamers keep their gaming routers running constantly and this can affect stability and cut into the lifetime of the device. The ASRock G10, however, self-heals, which is one of several...
View ArticleHEXUS Epic Giveaway Day 5: Win an Amazon Fire HD tablet
It’s Day 5 of HEXUS Epic Giveaway program and today I just want this. I want it, I want it, I want it. Childish? For sure, but, let’s be honest: we’re all gadget hounds and some just get you revved up....
View ArticleHEXUS Epic Giveaway Day 4: Win a Synology network-attached storage device
As the pace of electronics integration continues relentlessly, network attached storage devices become not only more compact and powerful but more accessible to wider markets. The DS1515 is an...
View ArticleHEXUS Epic Giveaway Day 3: Win a Wileyfox Storm Smartphone
Creating differentiation in a jam-packed-crowded smartphone market is difficult. Creating that differentiation at lower price points is even tougher. Enter Wileyfox, the London-based upstart smartphone...
View ArticleHEXUS Epic Giveaway Day 2: Win an NVIDIA Shield Tablet
Features, speed, user experience and prices continue to fall in the gaming tablet world, and nothing is more emblematic of that trend than the NVIDIA Shield Tablet K1. This $199 device is the second...
View ArticleHEXUS Epic Giveaway Day 1: Win one of two ultra-fast Asus routers
Each new generation of WiFi routers comes with better bandwidth, more capabilities and broader reach, transforming what users can do in the home from entertainment, to gaming and more. Now, HEXUS, in...
View ArticleKeil RTX vx CMSIS RTOS for RM48 - Cortex R4?
Hi All, I have just started my journey with RM48 from Texas Instruments. I wanted to use it to build an embedded server for a safety critical application. To serve that purpose I needed a task...
View ArticleSTM32F031K6T6开发板初体验
首先得多谢ARM的活动和STM公司提供的开发板。 拿到开发板第一件事就是下载STM32 NUCLEO开发板软件开发工具用户手册(UM1727): 设计资源专区-意法半导体(ST)微控制器等资料 需要注意下,资料中STM32CubeF0软件包: 设计资源专区-意法半导体(ST)微控制器 目前有点问题,已经和ARM 宋斌确认,需等待ST确认回复。 。...
View Article晒晒收到的stm32f031k6板子并附上寄存器闪灯源代码。
感谢意法半导体,ARM中文社区,版主以及工作人员。 板子照片 源代码如下: /* stm32f031 nucleo m0 test program 最小系统测试程序 不需要头文件和库函数,很小巧实用! 用于I/o口翻转频率测试、跑马灯演示! 作者: 大秦正声,小电子 日期: 2015.12.19 博客: 邮箱:...
View ArticleNUCLEO-F031K6-ARMmbed下点亮led
NUCLEO-F031K6 Affordable and flexible platform to ease prototyping using a STM32F031K6T6 microcontroller. NUCLEO-F031K6是一款针对STM32F031K6T6 microcontroller 经济灵活的易用研究平台。 The STM32 Nucleo board does...
View Article【stm32F0使用经验分享】在mbed在线平台实现LED闪烁
首先感谢ARM中文社区以及ST的支持,今天刚收到板子就迫不及待的跟版主确认收货。 下面和大家分享一下在mbed在线平台实现LED闪烁的步骤,由于肚肚没什么经验,分享的东西也比较简单请诸位小伙伴海涵! mbed链接: 在使用之前需要注册,肚肚就不再赘述。 登陆之后,选择平台并添加打开。 如下图所示:...
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