True diversity and inclusion is about more than gender
Today we celebrate the influence of a world-renowned mathematician who is credited with being the world’s first computer programmer. Working with another early computer pioneer, Ada Lovelace created...
View ArticleLouisa Wilson - Staff Implementation Engineer and Skill Group Leader, Systems...
Today we celebrate the influence of a world-renowned mathematician who is credited with being the world’s first computer programmer. Working with another early computer pioneer, Ada Lovelace created...
View Articlearm fastmodel 上搭建android系统
这段时间在学习ARM fast model,参考五分钟打造ARM 64位最小系统 把系统搭建工作完成,整个系统编译正常。我申请的Fast Model证书是评估版本Cortex-A15 (ARM v7架构),目前想知道怎么在Fast...
View ArticleHow do AMBA, CCIX and GenZ address the needs of the data center?
Interconnects and open standards have been a hot topic lately. A couple of weeks ago, ARM announced the CoreLink CMN-600 Coherent Mesh Network and CoreLink DMC-620 Dynamic Memory Controller IP, which...
View Article__scatterload function in ARM c library.
Hi, According to ARM document pasted below, __main always calls __scatterload. But I got a .elf file whose dissambly code doesn't contain the __scatterload function. Any idea in what situation the...
View ArticleNeetha Lenka - Information Developer, Architecture & Technology Group
Today we celebrate the influence of a world-renowned mathematician who is credited with being the world’s first computer programmer. Working with another early computer pioneer, Ada Lovelace created...
View ArticleVaidehi Deo - Graduate Software Engineer, Technology Services Group
Today we celebrate the influence of a world-renowned mathematician who is credited with being the world’s first computer programmer. Working with another early computer pioneer, Ada Lovelace created...
View Articlereason for ARMv8 EDSCR err bit set
Hi, I'm working on a project which is for debugging cortex-a53 through Jtag interface. The Jtag clock TCK is set to 300kHz which is pretty low, and I can properly read back debug registers such as...
View ArticleSumati Pandya - Senior Partner Manager, Sales
Today we celebrate the influence of a world-renowned mathematician who is credited with being the world’s first computer programmer. Working with another early computer pioneer, Ada Lovelace created...
View ArticleCheap alternative of J-Link Segger
I am looking for some alternative of J-Link Segger for Cortex-M3/4 , the cheapest one is J-Link Base as J-Link Lite can be used only with evaluation boards, Any suggestion ? I am using GNU arm gcc as...
View ArticleThe Internet of Space is being enabled by radiation-hardened ARM...
There have been around 500 CubeSat-class satellites launched into orbit since 2000 and the forecast is that these super-cool miniature satellites will continue to be launched in increasing numbers....
View ArticleAccessing coresight debug and trace memory region in EL3 leads to stuck.
The manual tells that I can use ETM in both self-host debugging and external debugging. With DStream and DS-5, the ETM works well. However, i find that i can not modify the tracing registers in DS-5,...
View Articlearm7tdmi APMC_CGMR PLL
the arm7tdmi data sheet states that the PLL multiplier factor is register APMC_CGMR(13:8) but the examples I have seen set this to (000011) which when +1 added to this value sets the PLL to X4 (16MHz x...
View ArticleJuno - Linux Kernel - vmlinux file
Hi everybody, where can I get a vmlinux version of the Linux Kernel provided with the Linaro Releases for the Juno Board? In the official releases I can only find a "Image" file. I need a vmlinux...
View ArticleARM Assembly Language: How to Save Program at a Given location
Q.1: How do I save (burn) my ARM assembly language program at a given flash ROM location - say 0x00001000? What is equivalent to ORG of other assemblers in ARM? Q.2: Assume I have five data words...
View ArticleKodi 17 for Rockchip RK3288 ARM Cortex A17 Debian Linux based devices needs...
While Debian 8 is now available since two months for RK3288 based devices like the MiQi from mqmaker the whole firmware still needs some integration cycles to get the most out of the hardware. Kodi...
View ArticleAutomotive areas at ARMTechCon 2016
ARMTechCon 2016 is nearly upon us, and there’s so much high quality technical content in the conference programme and exhibition floor that the only difficulty you’ll have is choosing what to attend at...
View ArticleCheck out ARM's sponsored sessions at TechCon 2016
ARM TechCon 2016 is only a couple of weeks away and is shaping up to be the biggest show in the Valley with more presentations and technical sessions than you can shake a stick at! In addition to...
View ArticleDo i get free compiler software ?, and i have question about the chips.
Hi, i am currently working with Microchip chips to build synthesizers. The big problem is they dont give the full optimized compiler for free, so i cannot get the best out of theyr chips. Currently i...
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