A hello, SoC Webinar and the upcoming ARM Tech Symposias
Hello! With albanrampon exit from ARM earlier this month, Connected community’s administration now rests with my colleague songbin & I. These names may be unfamiliar to some of you. So...
View ArticleCPU & GPU interaction
Hi everybody, I want to know how works the interaction between CPU & GPU. In particular: - How does the CPU send data to the GPU? - How does the command buffer work? - If we are GPU limited, what...
View ArticleARM’s Secret Ingredient for your IoT SoC -Webinar
Abstract Companies developing IoT products have different objectives at different phases of their product lifecycle. The initial goal is to go to market quickly, with a sufficiently adapted product to...
View ArticleNov 24, 2015 ore 5:00 PM CET. Collegati per scoprire tutte le novità di...
Il 24 novembre 2015 si terrà un interessante webinar a cura di Johannes Bauer, Product Manager MCU Development Tools, nel corso del quale saranno illustrati i nuovi prodotti e le principali novità...
View ArticleAsk help for error "make: Interrupt/Exception caught (code = 0xc00000fd, addr...
I got following error when try to compile code with DS-5, anyone know what's wrong? thanks! "make: Interrupt/Exception caught (code = 0xc00000fd, addr = 0x41a185)"
View ArticleG6818 IBOX Single Board Computer Overview
G6818 IBOX is a compact single board computer powered by Samsung S5P6818 Octa-core Cortex A53 Processor 1.6Ghz, size 100x68mm, weight only 70g. It is the upgraded version of IBOX4418. With onboard...
View ArticleCL-SOM-iMX7 - Freescale i.MX 7 System-on-Module | Computer-on-Module
Freescale i.MX7 processors, 1GHz Up to 2GB DDR3 and 32GB on-board eMMC LVDS, MIPI-DSI, Parallel RGB, up to 1920 x 1080 PCIe, 2x GbE, 5x USB2, 7x UART, 2x CAN, 124x GPIO Dual-band 802.11a/b/g/n...
View Article[有奖活动] ARM来袭,如何助你成为创业家
各位中文社区社区的用户大家好, 当大家都在努力创业的时候,ARM适时地给您加上一把火,上个月ARM推出的Cortex-M0 处理器IP免费测试和快速授权的一条龙解决方案,为广大创客添砖加瓦。那么是不是大家都能Get到这个Point呢?
View ArticleGNU ARM Eclipse: full Cortex-M7 support added
Overview The GNU ARM Eclipse project includes a set of open source Eclipse plug-ins and tools to create/build/debug/manage ARM (32-bits) and AArch64 (64-bits) applications and static/shared libraries,...
View ArticlePoll: How many cores on your SoC? Please vote now!
Hi all ,I'm interested to understand how many processor cores are being designed into the latest ARM SoCs? Please take part in this poll and comment on any interesting trends you see for the future....
View ArticleOriginal Training Course: MDK-ARMを使用したARM マイコン入門講座 (2016年1月度:2日間)
開催日時: 2016年01月20日(水)~21日(木) 09:00~18:00 東京開催 開催場所: 弊社 トレーニングセンタ(JR京王新線 初台駅より徒歩約7分) コースの概要: ARM Cortex-M3/M4 コアをベースにしたプラットフォーム開発に必要となる知識を講義とMDK-ARMを 使用した組み込み開発演習により実践的に習得できます。 ◆ 講義...
View ArticleARM Approved Training Course: ARM Cortex-M7 ソフトウェアトレーニングコース(2016年03月度)
開催日時: 2016年03月16日(水)~03月18日(金) 09:00~18:00 UNIT1 : 2016年 03月 16日(水) 東京開催 UNIT2 : 2016年 03月 17日(木) 東京開催 UNIT3 : 2016年 03月 18日(金) 東京開催 開催場所: 弊社トレーニングセンタ(京王新線 初台駅より徒歩約7分) コースの概要: ※各UNIT単体での受講が可能です。...
View ArticleARM Approved Training Course: ARM Cortex-A/R ソフトウェアデザインコース...
開催日時: 2016年03月01日(火)~03月04日(金) 09:00~18:00 UNIT1 : 2016年 03月 01日(火) 東京開催 UNIT2 : 2016年 03月 02日(水) 東京開催 UNIT3 : 2016年 03月 03日(木) 東京開催 UNIT4 : 2016年 03月 04日(金) 東京開催 開催場所: 弊社トレーニングセンタ(京王新線 初台駅より徒歩約7分)...
View Article[有奖活动]ARM年度技术论坛问题征集活动
ARM携手众多产业知名企业举办的年度技术生态系统嘉年华将于11月23日• 上海,11月25日• 北京,11月27日• 深圳陆续开幕。 如果您已经获得入场券,恭喜您,您将收获满满!...
View ArticleHow to access a physical address which is larger than 4G in Trusted firmware...
I am using Trusted Firmware Image(LSK and Android filesystem) provided by Linaro on Juno board r1. In my case, I just want to some trivial test in EL3, e.g., reading specific memory. To make things...
View ArticleARM Training and DS-5
Many of the questions which the ARM Training and Support teams receive each month relate to the use of ARM's DS-5 software development tools. To find out how relevant our training courses are to new,...
View ArticleWallpaper color ?
Hi, This is just a little idea's suggestion. Did you are plan to change the site wallpaper ? White is neutral but i mean it is very aggressive for the eyes and make the rather austere site....
View ArticlePoP technology makes wearables viable market for board makers.
Embedded Computing Boards is much more than industrial PCs. In fact there are unique and differentiating technologies such as PoP, which stands for Package on Package technology that can be offered by...
View Article与 ARM 的问答:使用 ARM Cortex 处理器和不断增长的 mbed 平台套件确保 IoT 的安全
Chris A. Ciufo,嵌入式系统工程部门主编 自 ARM® 的 mbed™ OS 在 TechCon 2014 大会上发布以来,它一直让我很感兴趣。自那之后,ARM 发布了多项安全和安保相关产品公告,其中许多与 IoT(物联网)有关。但是,截止目前,连接点仍然十分困难。在对 ARM 营销副总裁 Zach Shelby 以及高级产品营销经理 Diya Soubra 就 Cortex®-M...
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