[Newbie] mali crash on Odroid Xu4 when playing with LXC
Hi, I am working with odroid xu4 to deploy Android Container on another Android using LXC. All function seems to work well except for surfaceflinger which is used to display Android system through...
View ArticleInstructions for ARM's Beetle IoT Subsystem platform
Beetle is an evaluation platform for ARM's IoT Subsystem for Cortex-M. It is available to ARM partners interested in evaluating IoT subsytems only by request (not available to purchase directly). For...
View ArticleInstructions: mbed support for Beetle
Quick start on Beetle Setting up the necessary tools is explained in the README. These instructions work with both GCC and ARMCC. Specifically, these instructions were tested using...
View ArticleSupport, FAQs & Tutorials for ARM Platforms
Obtaining Support ARM IoT Platforms General FAQs/Tutorials ARM Application Processor Development Platforms Which deliverables should I use? General FAQs/Tutorials Juno specific FAQs/Tutorials...
View ArticleFAQ: Driving emulated and real LEDs in mbed code on Beetle
Limitations on the use of symbols LED1, LED2, LED3, and LED4 The mbed test framework depends on the symbols LED1, LED2, LED3, and LED4. However the Beetle board does not include LEDs that can be driven...
View Article安创空间北京办公室参观记
今天斑竹游泳到北京参观了安创空间 北京办公室,并且在办公室见到了他们的几位生气勃勃的员工。给大家简单汇报一下,有几张图因为酒店网速太慢,我回到办公室再补。 左边数起:丁三川(技术大牛,实验室主任),鄙人,美女Helen,Helen的手下耿耿同学 安创空间是ARM的子公司,在ARM生态中起到重要的孵化器和加速器的作用。...
View ArticleCMSIS++: a proposal for a future CMSIS, written in C++
Overview CMSIS++ is a portable, vendor-independent hardware abstraction layer intended for C++/C embedded applications, designed with special consideration for the industry standard ARM Cortex-M...
View ArticleLocked L2 cache (Pl310) Write issue through JTAG- Zynq 7000
We are using a Zynq-7000 SoC, and we are trying to do read and write to a locked L2 Cache through JTAG. From JTAG, Read works properly but writes makes the specific cache line corrupted, Step 1 :...
View ArticlePWM Hardware specification
I've got a very specific application, where I must to generate a 200 ~ 250 kHz PWM signal with a 16-bit duty cycle resolution. My question is, how can I find the best hardware specification for it? I...
View ArticleErrors in SVD file listings for ST
I just downloaded the SVD files for ST and after parsing them into our debugger I find there are a couple of errors. I have snipped the three entries that appear incorrect. If we assume we need two...
View Articlecan armclang build an application running on linux?
Hi , I'm trying to use armclang build an user application to run on a linux system. I'm using the following command to build. I assigned --ro-base=0x400078 to armlinker to workaround elf_map check in...
View ArticleNucleoF429 基础应用3:GPIO Touch Key(触摸按键)
这里先不说触摸(Touch)按键的优缺点,只从GPIO实现Touch Key的方法上来讲下这个Demo。Touch Key的实现方式有多种,效果和稳定性也相差很大。有些是硬件上专门做了设计,且有不少是有专利的。记得ST有支持Touch Key的型号,也有对应的库,但没用过。进入正题--> 1、Touch Key 硬件原理:
View ArticleThe NanoPC-T2 quad core Cortex A9 single board computer
The NanoPC-T2 quad core Cortex A9 single board computer is designed and developed by FriendlyARM for professional and enterprise users. It uses the Samsung Quad Core Cortex-A9 S5P4418 SoC with...
View ArticleARM嵌入式研讨会有感,某用户痛失大奖
今天在北京参加ARM研讨会。记忆最深刻的就是,最后进入到抽奖环节,大奖是代理商赞助的荣耀v8手机一台 ARM的领导rhondadirvin抽出了一位幸运观众XX,lifenggeng高声呼喊他的名字三遍,可惜都没有人回答。我其实一听就知道是我们社区的一位用户,心中深深地着急,希望他只是上厕所去了,很快会回到会场。可惜,叫了三遍还是没有,最后只能重新抽一次,大奖被一位来自北京君正的朋友拿走了。
View ArticleOcta-Core Cortex-A53 S5P6818 SoC NanoPC-T3
The NanoPC-T3 octa-core single board computer is designed and developed by FriendlyARM for professional and enterprise users. It uses the Samsung Octa-Core Cortex-A53 S5P6818 SoC. Compared to the...
View ArticleSilicon Without Software is Just Sand: Shifting Left with Imperas
New audio interview! Amelia Dalton's Fish Fry looks at the value of virtual prototypes to simulate embedded software. "No one builds a chip without simulation, right? Simon Davidmann (CEO - Imperas)...
View ArticleDeveloping embedded software and systems?
Join the revolution! Read the July Imperas Newsletter here: bit.ly/29M3yPB
View ArticleI want to learn RTOS in ARM Cortex-M Processors.
Hi, I wanted to start learning RTOS in ARM Cortex M Processors. I currently work on Cortex M0 IC provided by Nuvoton where I use the BSP to get things done. Now I need to move a step ahead and start...
View Article天气炎热请各位中文社区用户注意身体
各位中文社区用户, 最近天气炎热,很多地区温度超过38度,希望大家少出门,多宅在家,多上社区,保重身体。 枯藤老树昏鸦,空调Wifi西瓜,葛优同款沙发,夕阳西下,社区是你家。 Best Regards, Ben
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